What does the American Legion Auxillary Do??
The Auxillary Unit 200 works hand-in-hand in our mission of "In Service not Self". American Legion Auxillary (ALA) members have dedicated themselves for over a century to meeting the needs of Children-Community-Veteran and ALA members are partof the world's largest women's patriotic service organization.
A major program of Unit 200 is providing Christmas gifts to our Veterans. Distribution is typacally to the residents at the Loma Linda VA Hospital CLC (Community Living Center) during Post 200's December Bingo - temporarily suspended due to COVID. Unit 200 has continued the program with distribution to "transitioning homeless veterans" at March Air Force Base during this time.
ALA members distribute red crepe paper poppies in exchange for donations. All money collected directly supports servicemembers, veterans and their families through the ALA's outreach programs. Post 200 has poppies available year round. We take pride in our connection to the poppy! Red poppies are not just pretty flowers, they are so much more to the American Legion Family, and those we serve. Poppies symbolize the sarifice of U.S. servicemen killed while protecting our nation. We wear the flower to honor those fallen heros - and in support of our military veterans and their families. Poppies are pretty - but the flower's impact is significant!
Members of the ALA also host dinners and parties on major holidays, at no expense to veterans and their families at most functions. We host children's Halloween and Christmas parties as well as an Easter egg hunt which is a hit to the kids as well as their parents! The members also host home-cooked dinners for a nomimal donation fee.
So come on down to the Post 200 and join our ALA family! You will experience the rewarding feeling of helping veterans and their families as well as supporting our community. Maybe even have some fun and make new friends!